使用Red的最佳实践系列(1)- 错误的处理


# Red的异常概念


# 抛出异常

  1. make error!
  2. cause-error 这在下面的Red异常的用法章节有介绍

# 捕获异常

可以使用 try或者 attempttry一个异常时返回的是一个error!类型,而attempt返回的是none

# Red的异常类型


>> help system/catalog/errors
SYSTEM/CATALOG/ERRORS is an object! with the following words and values:
     throw     object!       [code type break return throw continue while-cond]
     note      object!       [code type no-load]
     syntax    object!       [code type invalid missing no-header no-rs-header bad-header malconstruct bad-...
     script    object!       [code type no-value need-value not-defined not-in-context no-arg expect-arg ex...
     math      object!       [code type zero-divide overflow positive]
     access    object!       [code type cannot-open invalid-utf8 no-connect]
     user      object!       [code type message]
     internal  object!       [code type bad-path not-here no-memory wrong-mem stack-overflow too-deep featu...

比如 1 / 0除零异常:

>> probe try [1 / 0]
make error! [
    code: 400
    type: 'math
    id: 'zero-divide
    arg1: none
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: '/
    stack: 41781600
*** Math Error: attempt to divide by zero
*** Where: /
*** Stack: probe  



>> probe try [do]
make error! [
    code: 304
    type: 'script
    id: 'no-arg
    arg1: 'do
    arg2: 'value
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: 'do
    stack: 41781600
*** Script Error: do is missing its value argument
*** Where: do
*** Stack: probe  




# Red异常的用法

typeuseridmessage的错误是Red提供的默认用户异常,它可以通过make error!创建。

# 通过make error!创建异常

>> probe try [make error! "hello"]
make error! [
    code: 600
    type: 'user
    id: 'message
    arg1: "hello"
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: none
    stack: none
*** User Error: "hello"
*** Where: ??? 

另外 make error!可以创建特定类型的异常:

>> probe try [make error! 400]
make error! [
    code: 400
    type: 'math
    id: 'zero-divide
    arg1: none
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: none
    stack: none
*** Math Error: attempt to divide by zero
*** Where: ??? 


>> probe try [make error! [math zero-divide]]
make error! [
    code: 400
    type: 'math
    id: 'zero-divide
    arg1: none
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: none
    stack: none
*** Math Error: attempt to divide by zero
*** Where: ??? 


# 使用cause-error创建异常

>> ? cause-error
     CAUSE-ERROR err-type err-id args

     Causes an immediate error throw, with the provided information. 
     CAUSE-ERROR is a function! value.

     err-type     [word!] 
     err-id       [word!] 
     args         [block!] 


>> probe try [cause-error 'math 'zero-divide []]
make error! [
    code: 400
    type: 'math
    id: 'zero-divide
    arg1: none
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: 'do
    stack: 41459176
*** Math Error: attempt to divide by zero
*** Where: do
*** Stack: probe  


>> probe try [cause-error 'user 'message ["hello" "world"]]
make error! [
    code: 600
    type: 'user
    id: 'message
    arg1: "hello"
    arg2: "world"
    arg3: none
    near: none
    where: 'do
    stack: 41781640
*** User Error: "hello"
*** Where: do
*** Stack: probe  

# 自定义用户异常


>> probe system/catalog/errors/user: make system/catalog/errors/user [my-error: ["info [" :arg1 ": (" :arg2 " " :arg3 ")]"]]
make object! [
    code: 800
    type: "User Error"
    message: [:arg1]
    my-error: ["info [" :arg1 ": (" :arg2 " " :arg3 ")]"]
== make object! [
    code: 800
    type: "User Error"
    message: [:arg1]
    my-error: ["info [" :ar...


>> new-error: func [name [word!] arg2 arg3][
[    	cause-error 'user 'my-error [name arg2 arg3]
[    ]
== func [name [word!] arg2 arg3][cause-error 'user 'my-error [name arg2 arg3]]
>> probe try [new-error 'func-name "msg1" "msg2"]
make error! [
    code: 601
    type: 'user
    id: 'my-error
    arg1: 'func-name
    arg2: "msg1"
    arg3: "msg2"
    near: none
    where: 'do
    stack: 41781680
*** User Error: info [ func-name : ( "msg1"   "msg2" )]
*** Where: do
*** Stack: probe  

# Red的catch/throw功能


write %file.txt "i am a happy little file with no real purpose"
print catch [
    if exists? %file.txt [throw "Doc found"]
    "Doc not found"
Doc found


>> probe try [throw "error"]
*** Throw Error: no catch for throw: "error"
*** Where: throw
*** Stack:  

# Red异常系统的问题

# make error!还不能带参数(arg1/arg2/arg3)

make error! [user message ["msg1" "msg2]]


# 不能捕获特定的异常


probe try/with [cause-error 'user 'message][
    ['user 'message] [probe self]
    ['script 'no-arg] [probe self]]

如果两种异常都没有捕获,异常继续向上层throw。 当然我们可以捕获后再往上层throw,但是这样不方便使用。如果系统提供捕获特定异常的方式,将能够简化部分异常处理。 我们可以利用bind,实现该功能:

try-catch: func [blk [block!] cond [block!] todo [block!] /local error][
	unless error? error: try blk [return error]
	if do bind cond 'error [return do bind todo 'error]

suc: "your todo"

;-- test case 1
command: [1 / 0]
cond: [error/code = 400]
todo: [print ["catch" lf error] suc]
a: try-catch command cond todo
print a = suc

;-- test case 2
command: [1 / 0]
cond: [error/code = 300]
todo: [print ["catch" lf error] 1]
a: try-catch command cond todo
print error? a

;-- test case 3
command: [1 / 1]
cond: [error/code = 300]
todo: [print ["catch" lf error] 1]
a: try-catch command cond todo
print a = 1

# Red中异常处理的最佳实践

# 每个context中提供一个自定义异常

ctx-a: context [

	system/catalog/errors/user: make system/catalog/errors/user [ctx-a: ["ctx-a [" :arg1 ": (" :arg2 " " :arg3 ")]"]]

	new-error: func [name [word!] arg2 arg3][
		cause-error 'user 'ctx-a [name arg2 arg3]

	func-a: func [][
		new-error 'func-a "msg1" "msg2"

# 由上层模块捕获异常